your voice is loud .
where are you anyway ?
just hanging around .
I'm on the rooftop .
I'm hanging out .
where ?
where are you ?
just around .
what ?
where ?
really ?
where ?
the one I was speaking with on the other side (()) was pretty .
here hanging out .
what ?
what now ?
oh .
just get married .
get married already .
what ?
I'll join you .
why don't you want to have %incomplete
it's taking so long .
what ?
here I am still handsome .
hello ?
yes .
I have a taping somewhere .
hello .
yes .
at G_M_A -- G_M_A .
is there a robbery today ?
alright go to your shooting .
where ?
at G_M_A .
G_M_A Cavite .
what ?
what ?
the one in Cavite ?
yes .
what -- no .
ahh has it been ten minutes ?
(()) .