how about your wife how is she ?
nothing .
what ?
none .
what ?
okay .
do you have a job now ?
hmm ?
just here .
do you have a job now ?
hello .
do you have a job now ?
yes .
(()) in what .
to us I will let you enter a job .
what ?
go here to us I will let you enter a job .
yes .
nothing .
yes .
is it noisy there ?
do you have a lot of companions there ?
what ?
what ?
are you there on standby ?
yes .
your godchild ?
hello .
how many children you got there ?
what ?
I heard there are already two .
you're quick you have outlasted me .
yes .
just here .
what still with the same husband ?
hello .
hello .
won't you talk .
yes .
*that* is still your same husband ?
yes .
to whom did Jenny finally get married to ?
not here .
what ?
hello .
to whom did Jenny finally get married to ?
I already miss you all there .
just here .
yes .
hello .
are you still there ?
comrade .
are you still there ?
yes .
who's your bet at the N_B_A ?
what ?
hey .
yes .
that is expensive here .
Miami is the champion now .
just here standing by .
what ?
sure .
your Oklahoma is nothing .
does not even have a say .
yes just here .
what ?
have you seen the attacks of (()) ?
(()) .
yes .
nothing .
visit me sometimes .
hello .
yes .
visit me sometimes .
you are not going here anymore .
here .
visit us here sometimes .