what were you able to buy -- what is Y_D's uh car ?
his car ?
maybe here .
which is why I already had it notarized .
it's probably here already .
I will give you Mister Park .
huh ?
the new one ?
yes .
it's under you name .
(()) .
what's the name of the new one ?
it's a type .
(()) on .
what's the name -- ?
just part one .
shouldn't (()) be an example right .
dad (()) sit park right .
yes .
(()) it's easier to park .
yes .
(()) .
those two are taking too long his uh .
isn't it three for the Korean .
(()) .
yes .
school .
ah only two are included .
yes .
yes .
park million -- park .
yes .
it's his birthday .
-- mine is for parking leisure .
ah .
I wasn't even reminded of your companionship .
huh ?
um .
wasn't even introduced .
oh ?
um turns out uh will buy uh the new one do you know how much ?
yes .
four hundred forty .
where ?
four hundred forty .
mother fucker .
(()) coughing right ?
the idiot is fully crazy stupid -- stupid .
maximum profit right ?
yes the idiot even made money .
but Y_D is smart right ?
go one better than him .
he's thick-skinned Marly .
I was supposed to charge him with -- a large one for the notary .
(()) .
(()) .
you'll see when he has a problem I'll make a jab at him .
do you know how much was charged for the notary there ?
huh ?
only three hundred .
only three hundred .
what a joke right .
oh ?
how much did he give to uh -- to Mister Sungyon ?
I know it's just a few right ?
around five hundred or none ?
it's probably like that right ?
(()) .
it's okay too .
yes .
it's just like uh he doesn't have -- like he didn't spend much .
maybe his biggest expense was the -- the repair of the uh -- didn't it -- it was submerged in the flood ?
yes .
right ?
yes .
that one .
yes .
how stupid -- really stupid .
you know how it is for (()) .
the buyer was an idiot too right .
you know how it is for the uh -- the uh -- the ones with no -- no awareness .
when it's me -- when it's me he talks to %incomplete
he expects you're from K_A_D too .
there's a new one .
the what ?
the new one .
his wife is from K_A_D too (()) .
his wife ?
yes .
really ?
but %incomplete
really ?
but .
maybe a teller right ?
but in another branch .
was cut short by uh (()) near uh .
huh ?
Hong Kong probably Singapore ?
or London ?
he said that .