what's new there -- what's new there with you ?
still the same there is no change .
what is the news from your end ?
you there how are you ?
how is your education ?
here almost done .
ha ?
nearly done .
when is your graduation ?
April seventeen .
when is your graduation ?
April seventeen .
ah ?
April seventeen .
April seventeen .
yes .
ah April seventeen ?
yes .
how is your father ?
just okay .
your father how is he ?
still the same .
just okay .
your -- your suitors how are they ?
as if there are many ha .
ha ?
as if there are many ha .
(()) you there how are things ?
how are you there in the province ?
just so so .
still the same enduring in poverty .
ha ?
Mac your siblings how are they ?
still schooling .
ha ?
still schooling .
you there how are you ?
have you eaten ?
yes we did you there how are you ?
have you eaten already ?
who is done ?
what is the viand %incomplete
what ?
what ?
have you eaten already ?
here -- %incomplete
ha ?
ha ?
what ?
what ?
have you eaten ?
hello .
have you eaten ?
not yet really well we're watching T_V .
ah .
not yet if we are watching T_V .
what are you watching ?
I have visitors -- ah %incomplete
ha ?
what are you watching ?
ha ?
what are you watching ?
what is this that everlasting ?
ah .
good that you can watch .
everlasting .
it's great that you can watch .
what is the viand ?
ha ?