ohh that I have waited for this guy to call me .
but isn't it proper you call him you remind him because you can find maybe he has forgotten people who call him are many .
mm .
ohh this time he's supposed to continue reminding you .
mm you're supposed to remind him is if you start -- you start today if is (()) is that what of going to clubs .
mm it's that of getting employed in those clubs .
mm tell him -- remind him because -- you you can find maybe he has forgotten .
ohh .
me I am trying trying this .
mmhm .
(()) I opened an Equity account (()) %incomplete
pardon ?
of what there is another research they are doing of Millward they want us to open Equity accounts so I don't know again if we will be paid with what that's what we're waiting for .
mmhm .
but must -- ahh this isn't of Synovate it's something else I was in the first .
ohh you've been told to open an account ?
ohh you've been told to open accounts of %incomplete
that and K_R_A you're given by K_R_A so I am surprised now it's supposed to be deducted .
mm now it's going to be scary because it's the same money .
why now ?
ahh I guess so that what is the one -- the government maybe -- has given them what (()) .
my %incomplete
to deduct your salary .
you were -- why are you deducting taxes their salaries .
ohh is alright .
ohh since I came from Zima .
ohh you have gone to Zima ?
mm I had gone to Ken's like this there things I had taken to him .
and then you know %incomplete
you didn't go to the house ?
mm ahh I came from there -- so who I got that Dino I think and that -- that Diana %incomplete
mm .
and mother .
so I surprised why that (()) is always Diana (()) only because so he says that that Kate has been coming in she leaves she comes she goes so I am surprised .
ohh .