mm ?
because you have slept ?
you are getting up .
(()) mm ?
you go or sit .
I get up ?
ten minutes -- ten minutes .
(()) now maybe it's like two minutes are over now see you have remained with (()) %incomplete
mm ?
now hear those others (()) %incomplete
I would have been -- I would have been dreaming about you .
go away .
(()) .
yeah .
mm .
mm ?
but stop %incomplete
there is something I was recording let me see if it recorded .
it is something I am recording then I'll give you money .
okay .
hey a thousand shillings for airtime ?
yes .
they share with us (()) -- they share with us because even us have helped them .
mm mm .
I too want -- I too want .
yes ?
mm mm mm .
they give us ?
they share the money with us .
how ?
not so ?
mm .
ten minutes are not over .
don't hang up the phone -- don't hang up the phone .
okay .
you try -- try and see if you have received the money .
as in ?
check out if you have received the money .
(()) .
what ?
mm ?
I check out %incomplete
haven't you told me there is money you have received ?
there is not .
mm .
mmhm .
lets share this money just now in the morning .
mm .
lets share the money in the morning hours .
(()) you mm .
and you love money because you are %incomplete
(()) .
not about being Kikuyu .
mm ?
what is it ?
really .
what is it with you that even a child knows your place .
there is not .
mm .
get up -- get up and go to work now .
okay .
can you try then you will wake me up ?
pardon ?
have you tried and found out how much money you have received then you will wake me up .
no -- no -- it's not over .
not so .
mm .
until -- until you get up till I will tell you the time that it will be over so you continue talking .
mm ?
(()) .
mm as in just continue talking ?
(()) .
go away .
pardon ?
mm .
(()) .
you just continue talking %incomplete
not so ?
mm ?
mm .
can you wait I search for words then I wake up and start talking ?
now can you tell me ?
mm ?
yesterday -- yesterday you slept early ?
how early ?
you slept early .
you told me goodnight ?
you did not wish me goodnight .
I told you %incomplete
mm .
you have started to yawn on the phone ?
mm mm .
mm mm ?
you mean you are still sleeping and I am talking to you ?
did I not tell you .
look at her .
drink .
I have woken up -- I have woken up .
mm .
you are not awake -- you are not awake ?
I have woken up .
mm ?
I want to go to exercise now .
parent .
to run mm .
mm .
since when ?
when did you start ?
mm ?
I am starting today .
today ?
mm .
do you want to go now because I have called you ?
you are not going I'm not even hanging up -- even if you're shocked let me extend it to twenty minutes .
hey twenty again ?
what .
mm .
okay then talk -- talk .
Facebook .
what are you doing ?
mmhm oh .
you have told me you have slept now wake up .
I have woken up .
you have not woken up ?
I can see you're still asleep .
where have you seen ?
I am awake .
mm ?
ahh .
now I have realized that you are a fake person you cannot talk through a phone for ten minutes ?
ohh %incomplete
ten o'clock in the morning you should have come in the evening .
I come in the evening ?
mm .
there is nothing like getting exhausted .
you wake up .
mm .
come we take tea .
okay I am coming .
okay .
mm ?
have you kept mine for me ?
mm ?
you have %incomplete
is there my share ?
mm .
by around eleven o'clock I will be there .
what will you do at eleven o'clock ?
its when I will be coming there .
to take my tea .
do you know yours ?