mm ask me .
mm .
where did the boy you used to love go ?
which boy ?
that boy you used to love you told me that he is your husband the one who was to marry you where did he go ?
mm .
imagine I don't even know where he went .
okay then .
you greet him and tell him %incomplete
mm .
I am waiting to see him too .
I want to see him too .
it has been a long time .
ahh he will come you will see him .
if I may ask %incomplete
mm .
when will you come to our home Ukambani Kitui ?
ahh .
there I will %incomplete
mm .
there are so many boys .
when you come you will be pleased by so many .
others are called Brian %incomplete
hah .
and I heard one is called Jane ?
he is the one you will be so pleased with .
so that is the one you really want to see ahh .
others pretend to be saved but they are not saved .
the things someone talks %incomplete
mm .
you cannot even be pleased yourself .
mm I want %incomplete
mm .
I just want that Jane .
you will find her -- you will find her .
and you have thought %incomplete
what should I tell her if I see her ?
tell her I want I really need to talk to her .
fine .
I will tell her -- I will tell her today .
you know I have been send to the shop by my grandmother %incomplete
mm .
so when I am back from the shop I will pass by her home then I will talk to her and I will show you .
ahh .
I will be grateful .
woah .
I will give you the phone to talk to her and then later on you %incomplete
mm .
she will take your number to call you .
and may I ask you ?
ask me my sister .
does James have other girls or how is his lifestyle ?
sorry I can't lie to you .
I don't know if he has other girls or it is a lie .
because when I see him at home %incomplete
mm .
he is a humble boy he is not a lady's boy he is not bothered he is just a humble boy .
I cannot lie to you you know you are like my sister you are my friend .
so there is no way I can lie to you and tell you that the boy does not have girls the thing is if you find him yourself %incomplete
mmhm .
don't let him go .
I have not told you %incomplete
mm .
I have found another one here %incomplete
what is his name ?
he is called Maurice .
ohh .
I have once seen him I have once met him I have once talked to him he has once greeted me .
or is he not from our houses %incomplete
ahh .
he is not the one from your houses .
ahh .
sorry .
you could have just told me to see him I desire to see him too .
if you loved him I too can see him talk to him and desire to love him too .
ahh .
mm .
but I don't want that .
you will love him and he will leave me .
yeah .
you will love him and he will leave me .
mm there are some fools who have passed by and found me talking with you on phone and then they started whispering how we're in love .
tell them loving one another is the life today .