it's the third one .
okay then %incomplete
mmhm .
hello .
I was asking you %incomplete
I am hearing you .
mm .
there is also a girl %incomplete
mm .
she sells tea on eighth street we call her Muthoni .
mm ?
there is a girl who sells tea %incomplete
mm .
she is called Muthoni .
(()) .
mm eighth street .
mm maybe .
Nyutu ?
mm ?
she -- she also cooks tea on eighth street ?
mm .
okay I would want to talk to her too in the evening hours %incomplete
mm .
I wanted you to -- to give her my number %incomplete
mm .
hello .
I am hearing you .
give her my number %incomplete
mm .
I wanted to talk to her as well .
ohh but you should %incomplete
now %incomplete
mm .
so in the evening -- in the evening I can pass by there if I will be able to %incomplete
mm .
we go with you to Pumwani so that I know if I will take khat too %incomplete
mm .
mm then I also try to -- to sell in Umoja .