but you do know that the youth do not make someone old .
you know you girl you will -- you've given birth to a girl -- you will age quickly me I'll just remain young young there still .
ahh .
I know right now I'm aging .
(()) I am also on point .
-- but don't mind .
old age -- old age life is wealth .
mm absolutely absolutely .
mm .
(()) I am happy as you had told me you live in Komarock .
now I hear you've moved you live in Buruburu .
now I don't know you'll attain going to live in Lavington ?
friend %incomplete
mm .
ahh .
and you .
soon I'll live in Lavington because the old man has become a county rep .
now soon me I see I'll also move while he -- while he is the member of parliament I go to live in Karen now .
you then you I am praying for you .
alright God willing let's pray more .
let's pray God grant us favor to continue being there there .
alright .
and then I am asking you ?
mm .
how is Anne the one who we used to work with while at Harry Pharmaceutical where is she currently ?