ahh .
mmhm you take him hot water -- at least he even drinks .
because now me to leave here until I reach there %incomplete
mmhm there is even Lucozade we took there -- yesterday I took Lucozade and I took Ribena those one liter ones -- one liter .
mm let him drink for his strength and then give him funny stories .
mm .
and then you tell him even if the nurses are on strike still -- they will give him service he shouldn't he shouldn't be scared .
mm mm .
no -- he can't be shocked that we have done all arrangements even that doctor is good -- that girl is very good -- very .
mm .
mm you know he was shocked -- he was shocked that are -- are they not Kisiis .
she's a whole doctor even she called us doctor %incomplete
is she a doctor ?
mmhm she's a doctor .