where are you ?
by the way %incomplete
mmhm .
where are you in school or ?
mm ?
no ahh .
we haven't gone today .
we haven't started to learn .
us yes we began the second semester but we haven't started learning .
me I graduate on the seventeenth I hope you'll come with your father .
hah ?
I graduate on the seventeenth date .
this December .
this -- December and you bring me presents present .
and then when you come out %incomplete
I want a car .
when you come out of there -- when you come out you go (()) ?
(()) I go to do what ?
I have told you I am looking for a man %incomplete
there is another potential one here but he is giving me a mystery .
headache .
he is disturbing my mind .
mm .
he doesn't love me the way I want .
hah he doesn't love you the way you want ?
mm .
this ahh -- this Metrocon loves me just the way I want but even I don't know other times I am usually confused .
stop lacking certainty you decided that's why you went to live with him in the house you see ?
mm .
stop now even stop thinking that tomorrow I'll meet with someone or tomorrow I want something else just try to make it work .
as much as you can .
mm .
because %incomplete
yourself help yourself there .
mmhm .
that who has ?
you entered there yourself having a sound mind .
mm .
mm .
man sound mind .
now -- now the best thing that you can do is you try as much as possible he doesn't annoy you .
mm .