I am preparing myself .
will I just come unprepared ?
I should know if there is traffic I should also know if where I am going -- alcohol is sold at such a time .
(()) .
you have (()) .
I don't want to get arrested .
ahh you have -- you can't be arrested .
mm ?
in the bar what time is it now ?
you cannot be arrested .
this is the right time to start -- taking alcohol .
no I usually respect the law .
I start drinking from when it is dark not five .
but when darkness comes .
if I just said right now -- just right now Aleki man .
because you know why what if we get arrested ?
mm .
if we are caught by the -- police who will get me out of trouble ?
will you get me out ?
or you have enough bail ?
I -- I assure you you will be out do not worry .
are you a police officer tell me first ?
maybe you are a police and I don't know .
you know my father is a P_P_O ?
your father is what ?
he is chief P_P_O .