yes I will tell the story you were are with you in Nairobi but somebody like Wachira is a person who comes once and go .
mm ahh .
still %incomplete
him -- he does not know the business -- he does not know how we operate here in Nairobi .
ohh really he might not know you you know you %incomplete
but he should before he comes -- give us a notice of about two days and tell us that he is coming .
yes mm mm he should give us a notice this way .
mm .
he comes so that we even roast %incomplete
mm .
so that he finds that we have even roasted meat .
mm .
it is %incomplete
he finds that we have fried even -- like goat meat .
mm or I will call you to come here at our estate .
mm .
you -- you should do that now -- I have been calling you for all most a month now .
there is no problem I will call you don't worry .
yes -- yes -- yes I want you to prepare early this Christmas it's a must -- it's a must not even this Christmas %incomplete
this -- on twelfth .
mm .
this Kenya at fifty .
on twelfth %incomplete
mm really .
mm we have to get to fifty friend .
it is a must -- it is a must -- it is a must we buy something like that of a net .
mmhm .
mm .
mmhm .
you know this issue of -- of hiding then we be meeting for about two minutes then you leave is not good .
(()) .
mm it's not good and not important .
that other day -- that other day is when maybe we might meet with you if you will be there -- do you have %incomplete
a family of three people .
I hear -- I hear -- I hear they call you father father I don't want those what -- I don't want to be caught by -- by embarrassment .
mm .
mm .
mm .
you know I don't trust you that much Smallcall .
mm .
mm .
first where did that your Muslim go ?
did you marry ?
that your Muslim or who was it ?
who is that ?
that was who ?
that your girlfriend .
which girlfriend of mine I had no girlfriend in campus .