he could do something else there -- that you would prefer .
do you know you can %incomplete
mm .
mm .
you like that one %incomplete
mm .
ahh .
you need to -- you need to -- you need to ask yourself many questions before you enter there .
(()) .
mm .
when you were talking about those I remembered a certain friend of mine .
mmhm .
she had a husband like that one .
the husband decided .
she told him no then they quarreled and he stabbed her with a knife .
oops .
I am telling you .
you want to tell me they quarreled then it reached a situation they failed to agree that he stabbed her with a knife .
I am telling you .
she died like that and it was over like that .
mm .
ahh .
then I said no me I don't want these .
no .
woe unto her -- woe unto her .
-- (()) then I said (()) that one mm ?
mm .
is she your friend ?
was she your friend ?
she was my friend .
okay .
where was the husband going ?
let me see the phone whom have you called ?
to whom have you sent the S_M_S ?
let me see he is checking .
short message .
ahh .
mm .
even the short message also he wants to check -- pardon he wants to check everything in her phone .
everything -- everything .
ohh .
I cannot live that life .
trust me I can't live such a life .
I cannot cope with such life .