yes lets not -- be late .
again we shall be late .
is there a child also you will travel with or you are just traveling with wife only ?
so %incomplete
ahh the children will also have to travel .
will you go with them ?
we will go with them children also have to travel .
are you carrying -- are you carrying the whole family ?
because there is no one to leave them with at home .
I am carrying the whole family up to home .
what is the plan mister ?
the plan is there is a celebration happening at home we have to go .
ohh .
mm .
you were invited together with who ?
everyone is invited .
my friends even if you have friends invite them .
really mister you are saying and if I invite someone .
mm ?
you have to inform the person early mister so that -- so that he can also prepare himself and be able to come ?
there are some who have been informed .
is it therefore a big ceremony or is it small ?
there are some who have %incomplete
a big ceremony .
really .