mmhm .
people have finished the land there are farms up to the door .
mmhm .
don't you know this is town -- don't you know this is town ?
now you see what is there that you are going to do ?
here ?
mmhm .
self-employment if you have money that is what you will do then something like business .
mmhm .
if you have money what will you do that you will succeed with in Kisii .
now you yourself will start saving your money so that you start the business .
where do you save it from and I do not have where it comes from ?
mmhm .
mm .
pray to God you will find .
am I De La Rue to mint it ?
I say pray to God you will get .
mm I continue praying to God at least daily you know it's him who has given me the only life I will get .