I must go there .
are you coming ?
yeah I am coming .
mm .
which date of December ?
date twenty third .
mm .
and I hope you are not lying to me .
no I'm not lying to you its true I will come will it not be on a Monday ?
its date ohh I don't have what here -- I don't have a calendar here but let me see ohh it will be on a Monday ?
ahh it will be on a Monday .
ohh .
what has ripened you come with ?
what ?
mangoes ?
mangoes are not yet ripened .
mm .
and has has it not started going there to ?
you can see -- you can see farming ?
(()) .
have you been able to see ?
mangoes farming .
also from there in Ukambani will be ripe in the coming months as in from January %incomplete
mm .
mm .
they will be ready .
ohh .
will you therefore eat mangoes in February ?
ahh .
it's okay just orange .
oranges till the month of August .
mm .
mm the season of oranges is in the month of August starting from August till October .
mmhm .
yes .
now -- now you you don't want my situation to eat -- those things when she starts you know she will start eating in January ?
no from -- from January tell her to wait she will eat mangoes then when as she continues to grow and she gets to August she will be old enough to eat oranges .
mm -- mm .
mm .
mm .