so that at least God can also open the ways for me they should also continue praying for me .
mmhm -- mmhm .
then again now and anyway .
how are you progressing politically at your place ?
ahh we're just praying God on politics -- God should give us a deserving leader we don't want tribal matters that someone will get and another one won't anyone who will be justly elected should just be given and people should live in peace there shouldn't be chaos like in the past years .
okay .
mm like now on the side of %incomplete
there was a team there were problems and -- there were chaos which didn't satisfy everyone .
to be honest people died and when I personally consider that picture it is not good .
mmhm ?
totally true I do support you on that my sister -- we should pray to get a leader from God .
mm %incomplete
mm a leader %incomplete
I support you on that .
mm even though people are creating alliances like Jubilee and others today but the one thing we're praying to God is for us to get a deserving leader %incomplete