mmhm .
nothing .
or were you at work ?
no today is Sunday .
mm did you go to church ?
mm .
no .
or -- or did you say you don't go to church ?
I usually go but I haven't gone today .
mm why ?
I don't know if it is my sleep .
mm ?
I -- I -- I'm on top of my sleep .
mm -- you're sleeping mm isn't that type of sleeping for babies or the sickness -- sleeping sickness .
I don't have sleeping sickness stop calling me that do you remember the other time you called me pussy ?
mm .
ahh the time you were licking milk and pap ?
so size you're %incomplete
(())(()) at that time you know you've gone to a Kisii's house and so it's just pap continuously really .
mm ?
mmhm .
what do you prefer eating ?
ahh .
ahh at least you've seen some friends .
mmhm .
mmhm .
so do you mean that you can't eat pap daily ?
mm I really can't .
and what will you eat ?
something else ?
mmhm ?
something else ?
which other thing ?
there's rice there are mashed potatoes there are so many things .
that is not food .
okay so that is food as long as pap has been cooked for you .
that is %incomplete
mmhm .