you too ?
bring me fermented milk %incomplete
ahh .
these people even are %incomplete
I can't even bring you milk because now you've boarded a plane aren't you obligated to bring me good things from abroad ?
you bring that milk which is mixed with blood .
ahh no friend .
at this time you have no cow also to live of to pierce to buy milk .
all cows in Kilifi calved earlier .
mmhm .
mmhm .
mm ?
alright Grace .
mm .
there are no good things you will have to bring good things to me from abroad such that I'll just be happy when I see them .
mm .
mm .
sisters .
alright ?
mm ?
I have said .
alright then young lady .
mmhm .
good bye .
mm mm .
but just explain to me well where are you ?
because this isn't a Kenyan number truly .
not Kenya ?
mmhm ?
it is Kenyan .
it's truly not Kenyan .
it's of where ?
come now stop arguing stop being childish .
mm .
mmhm ?
who is that crying there ?
it is just children crying here they see cows and they cry .
Grace you have many of them I heard it was only one ?
ahh .
it is not the neighbors' neighbors find a neighbor's child (()) chasing him .
ohh .
I thought you gave birth to twins .
mm ?
I heard you gave birth to twins .
mm mm .
do you have the genes ?
you have the genes why ?
I thought you gave birth to twins .