mm .
ahh it's great that it's the government that will rescue us .
if you have no money that's your problem .
mm mm ?
mm ?
you see -- you see even this -- even in the by-election he's not being seen ?
what is that ?
we didn't even go to the by-elections and I can see that you never heard of the by-elections .
ohh mm .
this happened and you can even hear that they are now doing the election today and we didn't know because we are very busy .
we didn't know .
mm .
we didn't know of such politics and we don't want that nonsensical politics this time round .
mm .
you never have things of value .
it seems so .
mmhm ?
let's now look for money and do some tenders .
of course we have to look for these days .
you see he -- it is said (()) %incomplete
yes I hear he says thirty percent .